Doctrines in Sikhism

In Sikhism, the views on the nature of man and the universe are shaped by Hindu traditions, such as Samsara (the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth) and karma (cause and effect), but with distinct Sikh perspectives on creation, man's purpose, and salvation.

Nature of the Universe and Cosmology

Sikhism teaches that the universe was created by Waheguru (God) through His will, or hukam. The cosmos is vast, incomprehensible, and functions according to divine law. Guru Nanak described the universe as a divine play, continuously created and sustained by Waheguru. Time and the universe are seen as cyclic, undergoing cycles of creation, destruction, and rebirth, similar to Hindu cosmology. However, Waheguru remains eternal and beyond time, unaffected by these cycles.

Samsara and Karma

Sikhism adopts the concept of Samsara, where all living beings, including humans, are bound to the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. The goal of human life is to escape this cycle and reunite with Waheguru, achieving liberation (mukti). Karma plays a key role in determining the cycle of rebirth, with good actions leading to positive outcomes and bad actions to suffering. However, Sikhism emphasizes that karma alone does not determine one's fate; the grace of God (nadar) is crucial. While righteous living is important, liberation is ultimately a gift from Waheguru and cannot be earned solely through human effort.

Nature of Man

Sikhism teaches the equality of all beings, asserting that humans, animals, and plants are all interconnected in the cycle of Samsara. However, human life is unique because it offers the opportunity for spiritual awakening and escape from rebirth. Humans possess sentience and self-awareness, allowing for moral and spiritual reflection. Unlike animals, humans can engage in practices like meditation on God's name (Naam Japna) and righteous living (dharma), which are essential for moving toward liberation. Human life is viewed as a special gift, making it the only form in which one can achieve spiritual freedom.

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  1. I learn that Liberation is a gift of Waheguru. It cannot be obtained solely by one's effort.

  2. The concept of equality being spoken in the religion makes it a revolutionary among the other existing religions of that time.


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